November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How to Stay Protected Online as a Cam Model

One of the biggest problems that cam models face is how to stay protected online and ensure a comfortable level of privacy and security. These tips will help you to keep your identity private to avoid any potential stalker issues, but also to make sure no family and friends stumble across your profile. Regardless of whether they already know what you do or not, its nicer for both parties if no one accidentally ends up on your profile page right? Geoblocking This is one of the most important things you can do to stay protected online. As soon as you

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How to Be a Cam Girl

This is a guide for ultimate beginners looking to get started in the world of camming. Although it sounds simple: flick on webcam, strip, get paid… there is a lot more to it than that, especially if you want to stay protected online and make some good money. So, sit back, relax and take some down some notes. Here is the beginner’s guide to becoming a cam girl.  Get your equipment It’s not as easy as just using the camera on your laptop. There are thousands of models of out there and if you don’t have a high-quality stream, you

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How Much Can a Cam Model Earn

 I know that this is a topic that gets googled all the time and you have probably seen a super wide range of answers to this question. That is because the answer does vary widely depending on the model, their looks, personality and how much effort they put into camming. For a lot of models, this is a full-time job, while others use it only as something they do on the side. So, obviously, they will earn a lot less. How much you earn is really dependent on how much energy and time you are willing to put in. And

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

Common Misconceptions of Becoming a Cam Girl

There are a lot of misconceptions about becoming a cam girl that tends to stop women from doing this job, even though they want to. Some of it is misinformation and some of it is simply the viewpoints of those that don’t really understand what it is. Whether you are thinking about becoming a cam model, or you are already in the business, you have probably heard some of these common misconceptions. Well, it’s time to clear things up! Here’s the truth about being a cam girl. #1. Being a cam girl isn’t a real job For some reason, there

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

Best Cam Girl Sex Toys to Use

If you want to take your cam girl show to the next level, it doesn’t get much sexier than including a sex toy or two. Using a sex toy on your cam stream has a lot of benefits. Firstly, you get to pick the toys that you actually enjoy using and have a whole lot of fun with them while you work, and secondly, your viewers are going to love it! Just watch those big tippers start rolling in. There are all sorts of different types of sex toys that you can use but this is a list of the

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How to Earn More Tips as a Cam Girl

Sure, you can make money by performing in front of a cam. But the real money comes from the tips you earn from performing shows. There are other ways you can earn tips as a cam girl – more about this in just a minute. Your job as a cam girl is to give your viewers a satisfying performance, be it through shows or other creative ways. Here are some of the most popular ways to earn more tips as a cam girl. Play tipping games We all love games – especially sex games. Several good cam websites offer a

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

First Things To Do As A New Cam Model

So, you’ve made the decision to become a cam model huh? Awesome! But, before you dive in and get streaming, there are some important things to think about. This list of things to do first as a new cam model will make sure that you get off to the best possible start. #1. Consider whether you want to keep this career a secret You have probably already given this some thought as it is a very important thing to consider when you become a cam model. Whether you want to be open about it or keep it a secret will

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

A Guide to Understanding Cam Model Studios

If you are just starting out in the cam model business and have been doing some online research, chances are you will have come across multiple websites talking about cam model studios. These might be in the form of what looks like job listings or call-outs for cam models, or it might just be the studio’s websites showing up in your search results. So what are they? What are cam model studios? There are actually two different kinds of cam model studios. There are physical cam model studios which are actual studios where you can go and live cam, and

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How Do Cam Girls Actually Make Money

It might seem as though cam girls just get naked on camera and viewers send them money, but, there is quite a bit more to it than that! Nowadays there are all sorts of ways that cam girls can make money on site. From tips to paid per minute private shows to selling videos and photos. And, there are also extra offsite ways to make some extra money in this industry. Let’s take a look at the common ways that cam girls actually make money online.  Public Shows Public shows are shows which anyone on the website can access for

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

Getting Started in Webcam Modeling Here are a Few Things You Need

Before you can start earning money as a cam model you need to make sure you have the right equipment. You might be surprised by how much gear is needed to get started, but some of these items, you will hopefully have already. There are thousands of other cam models out there trying to make money too, so you need to create a set-up that is going to make you stand out and the more professional you can make it look, the more money you are going to earn. We don’t want a sub-standard broadcast! You want to dazzle them

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

Some Additional Sources of Revenue for Cam Models

Cam models have the potential to make a lot of money, especially if they think outside the box a little and look at ways to really boost their earnings with easy side gigs and passive income. Passive income is the type of money that flows in regularly and requires minimum effort to maintain it. Sounds like the absolute dream right? Well, luckily for you, there are all sorts of ways to make extra cash as a cam model! And, while they may take a little effort up front to get these streams of revenue going, in the long-term they will

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

How Not to Suck at Being a Cam Girl

There are thousands of cam girls out there! And, that means that some of them will be absolutely amazing, and others, well… not so much. A lot of what goes wrong for those that aren’t doing so well comes down to the fact that a lot of people that sign up to become a cam girl think that this shit is going to be easy money. You will quickly learn that that is not the case at all. Being a cam model takes work and a lot of it. While some people can get away with doing a few cam

November 5, 2019 KittyKats blog

Top Tips for Promoting Yourself as a Cam Model

 Good things take time and this applies to cam models too. There are a lot of cam models out there trying to make it big and getting to that point takes a lot of time, effort and self-promotion. Promoting anything can be hard but it is especially daunting when you are trying to promote your own brand. But some tips can make promoting yourself as a cam model a bit easier. A lot of it is going to come down to engaging with your fan base and giving them something to be excited about. The fans love feeling special and

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